
3 Reasons Why You should Have Mayana in Your Garden

Plants are not purely decorative. Many plantitos and plantitas also take care of plants and herbs for medicinal purposes.

Previously, we have discussed several plants that can aid in healing and leading a healthier life. These were pandan, rosemary and tarragon.

In this post, we will now talk about mayana, or the painted coleus. There are several reasons why this pretty plant can be kept in your garden to boost your health.

1. Mayana is a natural analgesic

Scientific studies here and abroad have isolated a mixture of analgesic compounds from the leaves of the mayana herb. Analgesic compounds help relieve pain.

Thus if you have a painful headache, you can try crushing mayana leaves and applying them to your temple and nape.

2. Mayana has antimicrobial properties

Another scientific study revealed that mayana has compounds that act fights against bacteria. This is why the extract from crushed mayana leaves can be used to disinfect wounds and cuts.

The same extract can also be used to cure sore eyes.

3. Mayana has anti-inflammatory uses

Crushed mayana leaves can be directly applied to sprains and burns. This is because the mayana has natural anti-inflammatory properties that would reduce swelling and discomfort.

Don’t have the mayana plant yet? Order it now from Sonya’s Garden for only 120 pesos each.